Rice Creek Field Station

🌿 Rice Creek Returns in February! 🌿

Rice Creek will be taking a short break in January but will be back in February with more exciting nature-based programs and activities. Stay tuned for details and get ready to explore and learn with us again soon! 🌟

Our collaboration with Rice Creek on the first Saturday of every month extends to their mission by creating opportunities for young children to engage directly with the natural world. Through interactive nature experiences and exploratory activities, we aim to spark curiosity and interest in the environment, nurturing a lifelong connection with nature. This partnership aligns perfectly with our STEM programs, which emphasize the importance of experiential learning and understanding the natural sciences.

By encouraging children to be present in the outdoors and engage in nature-based learning, we hope to instill a love for the environment, inspire future scientists, and foster a sense of stewardship that will last a lifetime. Together, we’re making the natural world an accessible and integral part of learning for our youngest community members.

**Join US, December 7th from 1-3 pm!!!
Children can explore and identify different types of evergreen trees through a fun and interactive guessing game, learning to recognize various evergreen leaves and their unique features!

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