Play Topic Suggestions
Light Lab – Manipulate light, colors of light (spectrum), transparent, translucent, opaque, color theory, vision, reflection, refraction, difraction, forms of energy; light & sound.
Wind Tunnel – Wind energy, measuring distance/projectile, weather, currents, flight, inventors, force and motion.
Loose Parts; Imagination Playground, Dinosaur Bones, ramps & balls, Nudel Kart- Structure, engineering, categorizing, gravity, force and motion, energy, compare and contrast materials, dramatic play and storytelling.
Take it Apart Put it Together- Deconstruct, reconstruct and repurpose
I am an Engineer Cards- What makes an engineer and who gets to decide? Funded in part by the IF/THEN initiative and the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC).
Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social-Emotional, Language Development, Physical Development, Social Studies, Creative Arts, Technology
ELA/Literacy –
2W6 Develop questions and participate in shared research and explorations to answer questions and to build knowledge. (2-PS1-1), (2-PS1-2), (2-PS1-3)
2W7 Recall and represent relevant information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. (2-PS1-1), (2-PS1-2), (2-PS1-3)
Mathematics & Science –
2-PS1-2 Analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine which materials have the properties that are best suited for an intended purpose.
2-PS1-3 Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of how an object made of a small set of pieces can be disasembled and made into a new object.
MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (2.PS1-2)
NY-1.MD.4 Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another. (1-ESS1-2)