Play Topic Suggestions
Light Lab – Manipulate light, colors of light (spectrum), color theory, vision, reflection, light & sound.
Wind Tunnel – Weather/wind, measuring distance/projectile, gravity, force and motion.
Loose Parts; Imagination Playground, Dinosaur Bones, ramps & balls, Nudel Kart- Structure, engineering, categorizing by weight and length, force and motion, energy, dramatic play and storytelling.
Tinker Tables- Sort, categorize, test, create and compare.
Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social-Emotional, Language Development, Physical Development, Social Studies, Creative Arts, Technology
ELA/Literacy –
KW6 Develop and participate in shared research and exploration to answer questions and to build and share knowledge. (K-PS3-1), (K-PS3-2), (K-PSS2-1)
Mathematics & Science
K-PS1-1 Cause and Effect
MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (K-AESS2-1)
MP.4 Model with Mathematics (K-ESS22-1), (K-ESS3-2)
NY-K.CC Counting and Cardinality (K-ESS2-1), (K-ESS3-2)
NY-K.MD.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, using appropriate vocabulary. (K-ESS2-1)
NY-K.MD.2 Directly compare two objects with a common measurable attribute and describe the difference. (K-PS3-1), (K-PS3-2)
NY-K.MD.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the objects in each category and sort the categories by count. (K-ESS2-1)